Garden Design Questionnaire

Thank you for asking us to complete a 3D garden design at your property. This questionnaire is designed for us to understand everything we need to in order to produce the best design for you. 

Household Characteristics

Information to help us learn about how you use your garden.

Garden Details

Garden Planning

Garden Plants

Legal Disclaimer

Images & Illustrations

Computer generated images (CGI) created by ALS Landscaping Ltd are intended for illustrative purposes only. Planting is depicted on all illustrations as mature (approx. 3-5 years old) and may not reflect the appearance at time of planting. All images will be supplied in electronic format only, hard copies are available at an additional cost.

Site plans & Dimensions

Site plans are intended for illustrative purposes only and should therefore be treated as general guidance only.

Dimensions are not intended to form part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated in writing into a contract. All dimensions should be checked against notes and on site before construction and any discrepancies brought to the attention of ALS Landscaping Ltd whereby an updated plan may be issued based on new data supplied by others.


Our specification is the anticipated construction specification but may be subject to change as necessary and without notice. Any included computer generated images (CGI) are our best indication of the quality and style of the specification and may not represent accurately the colour, surface texture or finish of the final materials palette, this is especially the case with natural materials which can vary extensively.


Any computer generated images (CGI) of surrounding views are provided as a guide only and may not reflect the exact appearance of any context and the wider landscape.


Correct construction methods and practices are the responsibility of the landscape contractor or structural engineer, not ALS Landscaping Ltd. ALS Landscaping Ltd does not offer project management service to other contractors.

Your Acknowledgments

Whilst we endeavour to provide you with a design that meets your budget requirements, please note that material costs fluctuate as do contractor construction charges. Following your receipt of the initial design proposal, you will be given the opportunity to make some alterations which will be done at no extra charge. However, further alterations beyond that will be chargeable.

By responding to this questionnaire you are acknowledging your acceptance of this legal disclaimer.